Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Kid's First Day of School... Yeah!!!

Our morning started off very early. Unlike most mothers on the West side of town my children ride the BUS... yes I just said the Bus.... I know most people don't believe in letting their precious children go off on the bus, but for now it works for us. Our bus driver is very nice! The kids wake up at 5:50am or 6:00am. They rush around and get ready and have breakfast and are supposed to be outside by 6:50 for the bus. Because we were the first family in our neighborhood that used the bus when we moved in. (We were one of the original 4 houses built in our neighborhood, the first contract on a house in here.) That said, when we arranged for the bus when we moved in they came up to our culdesac and stopped right in front of our house, since I told transportation that there was NO WAY I was letting Jonathan who was in kindergarten at the time walk to the front of the neighborhood, since there were only 4 houses and lots of construction. They said they would bring the bus in and see where we lived and then go from there. Well needless to say it was a good thing, and we don't want to lose it, because they still come up our hill and stop right in front of our house. We even have some what of a signal with the driver that if our porch light is not on, she doesn't come up the hill. We don't ever want to give up on the bus in the morning... If we could figure out how the bus would work for the older girls in the afternoons we would probably use it if we knew about it. As it stands right now I go to 3 different schools and sit for almost an hour and a half. I would love to not spend an hour and a half in the car in carpool in the afternoon. We may try to figure out the afternoon bus from the middle school and high school and see how scary it is. I am thinking it may be worth it to look into.
Abigail is ready for 9th grade at the Dorman Freshman campus, I'm not sure we are ready for her to be in high school. :-)
Hannah is ready for 7th grade at Dawkins. This will be the first time ever that Hannah has been at a school by herself.
Jonathan is ready for the 4th grade at Westview Elementary.
Sarah is ready for the 1st grade at Westview Elementary.
Here they are lined up by age.
Abigail, Hannah, Jonathan and Sarah.
Hope you enjoyed... stay tuned for more...

3 comments: said...

This is just a quick note to let you know that we've profiled this blog post over at

Sophie Morand said...

I love Jonathan's picture!! Your girls are so pretty... watch out Dad...

Tyler Hoffman said...

Good looking bunch of kids! Mailbox looks better this year too - Nice wrap!