Jonathan Tyler Hoffman
May 9, 1999
Jonathan is our first BOY and our third child, he was to be our last, since we finally had our boy. He is so full of fun and love. We were so excited to be having a boy. He was born on May 9, 1999 at Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Some of the names we were thinking for him were Asher, Jonathan Pierce, and Samuel. In the end Jonathan Tyler won out. We are so lucky to have a wonderful name and also to have his middle name honor his Dad.
*Jonathan was an extra special gift for this mother because he was born on Mother's Day! What a wonderful gift!
*Jonathan was always active in the womb, but he came out running and hasn't stopped. If anyone has met him they know he is full of fun.
*Jonathan slept with a floppy dog that was blue and had long ears. He would suck on his pacifier and rub the puppy's ear across his lips. It was so cute! He still has the puppy on his bed in a place of honor. He gave up the paci when he was 2 1/2.
*Jonathan is all boy. He loves every sport out there. He has played baseball several seasons. He may do football this year if this momma can let her baby boy do it. :-{
*He especially loves cars and big trucks. He has been to the monster truck show before and talked about it for months.
*Jonathan is our very animated child. He has been in several plays at church and loves being on the stage. He has an amazing mind and can memorize the lines very easily. It was said he knew all the other members lines from just hearing it.
*Jonathan will be an amazing man after God's heart as he grows into a young man. He loves Jesus and shows the love of Christ to those around him. Well, others not always his sisters.
*Jonathan's first concert was Third Day at Centennial Park in Atlanta when he was 4 weeks old. He has been to many since then. I think his favorite recently was winter jam at the BiLo Center. They were on the floor in the back and he got down on the floor and was break dancing for all the big kids.
*Jonathan, as our third child, helped us to learn the zone defense part of our parenting.
*I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.
Tune in for hearing about Sarah next and then I will update you on all the fun we have been having and all about school.
Till next time.
J-man is my "buddy" and an exceptionally good break dancer!!
When can we have a break dance class ??
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