Monday, March 2, 2009

Mega Postathon

I just want to let you know that I have written several posts below. Be sure to read all of the current posts that were done in the last 3 days or so.
Thanks for sticking with me while I was on a blog hiatus.
Looking forward to being caught up and staying caught up.
Till next time,


Leigh said...

Congratulations on catching up!

I've been wondering when you were going to get blogging again.

I can't complain. I go for many a week without posting, so I understand.

But the thing is, I get testy when others don't update.

Imagine that?!?! Me. Testy.

Unheard of!

I digress.

Thanks again for posting!

Sophie Morand said...

OK now we are March the 17th and your last post was... when again ??... Come on I want to know everything about the Hoffman's family!!!
Will you post something tomorrow?? Ha! Ha! Ha!