Thursday, September 25, 2008

Playing with the Big Boys

Jonathan had the opportunity to practice at Dorman High School and then practice with the varsity team. The boys were looking forward to it all week. We drove his friend Ryan Micheal so I got a picture of both of them ready to go. They were really excited.
And in case you were wondering, Yes they are the same age, well close, he is 6 months older than Jonathan.
Here he is walking to the fields with his some of his teammates, at the beginning of practice.
This next shot is my favorite shot of him. He was listening to the Dorman coach talk about the big boys success and how they hoped one day that the little boys would be Dorman players.

Here is a larger group shot.

Here is some video of Jonathan practicing some plays with the specific Dorman coach and the players.


Sophie Morand said...

They are so cute with their uniform. Go Jonathan!

Leigh said...

Awwwww! He looks so grown up and so PROUD of himself! What a big guy! You'll have to keep us updated on how the playing goes!

Sophie Morand said...

Today is Tuesday October the 7th. Did you see when you posted your last post ??? You can not do that to me!!! I want to know what happened last weekend at the Hoffmans. Do not tell me that nothing happened, I know you, you always do something!